Sell Newspaper; USM 31st Kung Fu Night
19th January 2008, Saturday
I was quite busy this day, woke up at very early morning -- 5am! Just had few hours sleep....
Gathered with other friends at 6am and went to meet other friends at Sg. Dua guard house there. Why all of us gathered at that early morning?
We all are committee members of “校园路线”(one of the activity of QuanSheng 全升, to organise a camp @ secondary schools to provide information on choices available to pursue study after SPM to current form 4 and form 5 students) of 理大华文学会升学辅导组 (USM Tiong Hua Society's Education Counselling Group). We had to "earn" money by selling newspaper for organising the camp.
This was my 2nd experience of selling newspaper!
My group went to Air Itam on our own cars.... With cooperations, we did the job fast and had our breakfast together at a restaurant nearby at about 9am.

not a complete group photo though... glad to know you all, let us work harder towards completion -- hope everything will run smooth on the day itself!
USM 31st Kung Fu Night
At that night too I was busy... busy.... to... watch Kung Fu! hahaha...
The Saturday night was 31st USM Kung Fu Night themed Martial League 齐武威扬 organised by USM Kung Fu Club. The grand event was held at Dewan Tuanku Syed Putra (DTSP) USM from 8pm to almost 12am (although it was only started at 9pm). We needed to buy ticket for RM5 per person.
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Industry and Community Network), Prof. Dr. Lim Koon Ong were present together with Y. B. Dato Wong Kam Hoong (Deputy Minister of Culture, Arts & Heritage). Other than USM students, the guests attended were parents, UUM students, Chung Ling high school students, Maktab's etc... (from I could observe).
As usual.. the event started with speeches given, in the speech of Y. B. Dato Wong Kam Hoong, he announced a very good news -- to allocate RM10k to USM Kung Fu Club! wow... it's quite a big amount, thanks (although I'm a member of the club haha..).
"Mulan" story had been used to connect and bring out the Kung Fu performances... there were Drum performance, Lion and dragon dance, Taiji, Wushu, Shaolin, Flag array, Weapon formation, Judo, Chanbara.........
The Lion dance was very interesting, especially the emotions and acts of the "lions" haha.. very cute! I like to see the drum performance too, in fact I was planning to learn drum playing ... but didn't have enough time ... too busy la...
Overall, the event was a success... although there were some boring parts..

the "lion" dance....

the drum performance.... very nice!
I sat at last few row .. so wasn't able to capture nice photos... aiks..
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News: 理大功夫之夜 鼓励续发扬武术 黄锦鸿捐1万
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