Xmas Eve + Xmas
Last Christmas Eve, I had class till one-hour lecture till 9pm... (yup, having class at night, at the Christmas Eve!)
Then, I was thinking to spend the special night alone in my own room with my "husband=laptop" at first... however, my roommate sms-ed me telling me she didn't want to stay in the room, and asking me to go out together..
She was planning to have a drink at Mamak Restaurant nearby R.S.T. hostel there (the hostel area which is outside USM, the one I always said very far far away... haha..)!
At 9pm, there were busses available for sending us around in the campus... however, there would be no transport after 10.30pm... which means, my roommate and I would have to walk the long way back in dark to our hostel from the Mamak Restaurant.
At last, my coursemates also agreed to have drinks there... most of them actually stay at RST hostels.. so I took the bus together with them after the class, and met my roommate and her friends at the Mamak Restaurant.
In fact, we didn't do anything special over there, just watched a weird cantonese movie showing on TV3 until 12am.
so... that was our "countdown" to Christmas Day... and ended our gathering... and my dear roommate and I started our journey back to CG hostel... walked and walked.. lolz...
How special was it huh.. at least it was better than staying alone in the room and having a lonely Christmas .. surely I would think negatively such as I was the most pity person in the world.. ahaha.. sometimes kinda hate those special days..
On the Christmas day itself, I went to Pasar Pagi + Komtar + Perangin Mall (3 destinations are in the same area) with another gang of coursemates consisted of Chai Lee, Denise, Huey Sean, Kim Yin.. for shopping....
Thanks them for inviting me, I'm really glad to be knowing them during Muka Head trip!

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