My Roommate at USM
In fact, I have many things to tell about the happenings in these 2 weeks after my orientation weeks, but I am quite busy nowadays.... so I may slowly blog more about them ... haha
How are you there? That is the most frequent question asked when I appeared in MSN recently hehe...
Thanks for all of the concerns, I'm very fine here at USM Penang =)
so, don't worry about me ya... I'm independent enough, bluek =p
I'm very lucky to get a good hostel room, to have a good and friendly roommate, Chye Nee, whose birthday is just one day after mine! so... Aries + Aries = noisy? haha... actually she's quieter than me, and I guess I'm more cheerful than her? hahahaha!!!
Anyway, she's from Kuantan, Pahang, taking the course Quantity Survey from the School of Housing, Building and Planning = HBP = "Hantu Balik Pagi" = a course famous with its loads of assignments to do...
*I have only one roommate, 2 of us share a room*
okay, till then... I've assignments to rush now =.="

We are Aries girls~ hehee... Happy Roommates!
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