Genting Highland... during study week?!
I know I'm having Study Weeks now, it's not Holiday.... yea, I know it lah... However, I can't help but being lazy and lazy only! Besides, automatically I sleep for many hours, even more than 8 hours per day! OMG!
In addition to that, I sleep at late night, wake up at late morning, and sleep again in the afternoon @@... is it because I had slept too little in the past few months huh? .. lolz... Yesterday my family and I went to Genting Highland... At first I didn't want to go but it's a good time for me to spend time together with my family, I grabbed the opportunity then...

this is the very colourful First World Hotel............. took this from indoor oh!
My parents went to "pay money to Uncle Lim" lolz with two of my aunts.... haha... and two of my brothers and I went to walk around only.... we were planning to play the whole afternoon at outdoor theme park but since there were too many people queueing up for the rides, besides there was raining... we decided not to buy the expensive tickets!
However, 3 of us did take a ride of "flying coaster" by paying RM12 per person!.. haha... at least we played one of them lolz... *in the past we had taken all the rides actually... hehe*

my youngest brother, Loon & I, after taking a ride of "flying coaster" ... aiya, our eyes become so small... =.="
To spend our time, we watched a movie -- The Bourne Altimatum
ehm.... it's not nice, kinda boring.... I had almost fallen asleep! Next, we had a drink at Starbuck! but don't worry, 3 of us shared a drink, so we had tried to save the money too....wakaka... we had become big spenders! It's because our daddy had given us some money to spend.. instead of buying those expensive outdoor theme park tickets, we used it the way we wanted....
two of my younger brothers... in the First World Hotel

Overall, yesterday was a happy family day.... I truly appreaciate the time to be with my family ^^ I try to spend much time together with my parents as long as I'm at KL... because they really miss me very much hahaa...
*oh ya... yesterday too I met my friends... Chen Peng at the foodcourt next to Carrefour Kepong; Choon Long & Kean Win at Carrefour!
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