Sunday, April 02, 2006

Happy First Blogging Anniversary

2nd of April is not a big day, but it's my blogging anniversary!
yoyoyo, 1st anniversary ! and this is the 282th post!
Hohoho, Happy First Blogging Anniversary to myself ~~~~

anything special? eh... nothing actually, but this indicates that I've written with my own interest to share my story to my friends for a year. Some people said that I write out almost everything including my very personal things...
em.. I don't deny that I always write about my things, and it's what I want to share to my friends especially. However, I don't really write every single little thing about me, I've still reserved some, right? hehe
and through blogging, I could release my tensions sometimes. After expressing them in blog, I would feel happier. It's one of the way to make myself feel better.

Some people like to keep the feelings on their own, don't even bother to tell to others as they think it would just burden their friends and help them nothing. They would try to let nobody knows and to forget their sadness, they may go for a sleep, write down the events in their very secret diary, etc... as long as nobody will know it.
But I don't mean that it's wrong, as everyone has his/her very own way to solve own problems. It's just that I feel like friends are not worth to share sadness in their cases, but only could share their happiness. By the way, this type of people could be a very good listener! and I have two of them who are of Taurus (horoscope) oh...

On the contrary, I'm the type of people that like to find a listener to listen to what had happened to me. er... well, so there are times that I couldn't find a suitable people to be the listener or when I don't have to mood to talk, and then blog is my another way, as it is also a way that I could share my things to my friends, through words but not voice.

That is why, other than happiness, you could read quite many 'emotional' posts which are of negative feelings...
at last, I want to say sorry for everything that I had done wrong in my blog, including giving the wrong ideas and opinions or maybe some vulgarities? and not to forget about the pop ups/advertisements that exsist in my blog page too, I know they are irritating and 'menjolok mata'... sigh...but I don't know how to solve the problem yet..
and then, I want to say thank you to all my blog readers ^_^


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