Saturday, September 19, 2009

Saya sudah balik rumah!

hehe... I'm back to KL lo....

Although I should stay in Penang to pursue my FYP works, I felt that I need to recharge my energy by taking a break at my home! I need to rest ah....
I want to be my family's princess for one week huhu....

Hence, I had decided to come home ~~ during this one-week holiday of Hari Raya.

I know my parents miss me a lot... hehe, I miss them very much too!

This time, I came back with my roommate Bei Shan and one of my best friend, Min Huey by taking Plusliner. Yea.... no traffic jam! huhu...

Some of my friends wonder the reason behind that I wanted to go home so much. They thought I was coming home to meet my dear, but the truth was not xp.
My dear is not coming back for this hari raya break.... :(
Well, I don't support him to come back too, because it would waste few hundreds for doing so. I would prefer him to save the money hehe.... but I hope I can meet him now.... haiz, so self-conflicting haha...

By the way, I would spend most time at home ~ anyone is welcomed to ask me out for yumcha o~ hehe

*I hope my babies, fellow fungi would still grow healthily and would not be contaminated by other invaders! Wait for me~~~~~


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