"Kami Memimpin"
Few days ago, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) has been named as the best overall university in a survey done by the National Accreditation Board (LAN).
USM as one of four research universities in Malaysia is now 5-star rated = excellent = "cemerlang"!
However, there's none of the university reaches the world class status or 6 star or outstanding.... so, USM must not be satisfied with the current status and should put more efforts in improving the qualities of all aspects!
For more detailed informations, please refer to:
Congratulations to USM!
hehe... I as a member of USM am proud to have the chance to study here ^^
*how accurate is the data collected? Is USM really qualified to be so called 5-star rated? hmm... personally thinks that there are still many weakness needed to be improved etc... but overall not bad to study here...
In addition, there will be one more library in our USM main campus!
The construction of the high-tech library, complete with the latest information communication technology gadgets, will only begin by the middle of next year.....
hmm... I might have already a 2nd year student by that time...
and I guess I will have no chance to use that brand new library or it may not even been fully built by the time I graduate..
Actually there are 2 big libraries in USM main campus now, Perpustakaan Hamsah Sendut I & II.... will the going-to-build high-tech library be useful or....?
The motto, Kami Memimpin or ‘We Lead’ supports the whole USM emblem, stating the role of the university in the academic field in matters such as teaching, research and public service.

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