Baju Kurung
I wore the 'baju kurung' for the very first time as a formal clothes on 15.5.07!
All of the teachers were required to wear the Batik clothes as it was the day to take teacher's photo, to be put in the school magazine!
Woa... I have the chance to appear in the magazine!!!
so... I purposely went to Hari-hari shop nearby Selayang Mall on 14th night to buy the 'baju kurung' with batik pattern. I asked Hoon and May to go with me, and of course I was the driver.
Luckily I found a suitable one, with RM49.90... well, it shouldn't be a real batik baju kurung I supposed, but it does look like... haha...
And after school that day, few of the teachers (my friends and I) took some photo before going home... hehe... all in batik clothes~!
And after school that day, few of the teachers (my friends and I) took some photo before going home... hehe... all in batik clothes~!
me and my student (but I forgot which class she is from.. ops.. sorry lah.. too many students know me =p)
I didn't show my look with my new spectacle before huh?
me in batik baju kurung... my dad said I looked like a malay girl lah...
That girl supposed to be 1W's class monitor, if I din salah ingat :p
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