Thursday, May 21, 2009

3rd of 8 weeks

yo... after tomorrow (Friday), 3 weeks of my 8 weeks Industrial Training are gone ~

Before last Tuesday, I was assigned to Virology lab. The kakak there, Kak Mili was very nice, she likes to teach ^^
In 5 days time I had learned much from her, she was in charged in performing tests for Hepatitis and HIV most of the time, by using machines for screening. If the specimens are found to be positive, some further confirmatory tests would be performed!
Maintenance of the machines is to be done weekly while QC (quality control) is performed daily~ She was indeed busy handling those specimens by herself alone, with the help of the 2 machines. It was a bad time for her when the reagents were out of stock or the machines were giving problems. In Virology lab, the specimens were blood serum. Normally the specimens received were stored in plain tube without any transport media, then they would be centrifuged for 4000rpm for 5 minutes to separate the serum from red blood cells etc.

Started from last Tuesday to next Monday, I would be working in Immunology lab of Microbiology unit of Pathology. The persons-in-charged are Kak Som, a kind woman and Abang Fikri, a handsome guy haha. Both of them are usually quite busy and multi-tasking too, as they need to perform many tests for at least 11 types of diseases, such as Dengue and diseases related to autoimmune's, like the Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus(SLE or Lupus).
Similar to the blood specimens received in Virology, in Immunology lab, they are centrifuged first to get the serum. There are few machines to aid in performing tests too. However, there are many tests done manually, which are time-consuming as there are many steps. I'm still very blur about the tests and the diseases...

As time goes by, I get along with the seniors there better, they are indeed friendly (with some exceptions) and willing to teach us ^^
I have also trained to sleep earlier (at about 12 ~ 1am haha) and wake up early by 7am, but always felt sleepy.... lolz...

Hope that I can absorb all of the things being taught haha...


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