About School's
During assembly today morning, there was an announcement which was a good news to all of the students.. haha... our monthly test has been postponed from 18th July to 26th July!
Hooray... there are 13 days to go... before that, I was so worried for having insuffiecient time to prepare...
*just hope that I will fully use the extra time now! I don't want to get lower than 3.00 anymore!
During recess, my friends bought 'nasi lemak' to eat... then few of the form 3 students came to approach them to tell them that the 'nasi lemak' was not clean! Those students who had their recess earlier than we form 4, 5 & 6 students, had eaten the nasi lemak and found that the rice contained the smell of detergent!
aiyer... so a big gang of them went around to tell everyone not to eat the 'nasi lemak'... lol
After that, they asked my friends to help them to report to teacher about this case...
Well, recently I didn't buy food from canteen so I don't know much about the situation of canteen now.
Back to few days ago, there was a fire in school. The 'bilik MPV' (M.P.V = mata pelajaran vokasional)(which is one of the classroom located above the teacher's room at block B) had caught fire and luckily it was put out in short while... but I don't know what was the cause... and teachers didn't elaborate much about that...
@@ another case here...
It was so hazy suddenly this morning! We all couldn't understand to what was taught by our math teacher! We were unable to think haha... lack of oxygen maybe?
I was having flu everyday (repetition)... other than having serious flu with sneezing just now, I had sore eye & dry lips too.. because of Haze lor...
hazy hazy again!
Haze problems occur for ever and ever, year-by-year! Aiyoyo!!!
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