hedwig's sky
Hedwig, the snowy white owl enjoys her life to the fullest and appreciates everything she has ^^
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Sunday, December 30, 2012
随心回顾 2012
- 好姐妹,均。。。注册了!恭喜。。。
- 换了被咬了一口的苹果 Iphone 4S。。。而且在一个月内报销了
- 所以,就在另一个月用一千块换了二手的 Iphone 4S,就算有钱也不用这样花吧。。。
- 换了几次工作环境 (KLCC > MVM > KLCC > coming soon QBM)
- 即将去槟城作“开国功臣”。。。压力得很
- 没什么放假,拼命的很,
- 只去过槟城两三天;
- 去了日本两次 (因为公干)
- 因此初次体验 10度以下的季节。。。很不错
- 包括 Tokyo Disney Sea 还有 Singapore Universal Studio 两大主题乐园
- 去过数次的新国(也因为公干)
- 还好,竟然可以奇迹的在这年尾清几天的假期 ^^
Friday, August 31, 2012
Wednesday, February 08, 2012
还是写英文版本,比较快 XD
Passport Renewal
The first ever passport I owned was applied in Jun 2010, valid for only 2 years (paid RM100).
However, then only I realized if the valid period is less than 6 months, you are not allowed to go oversea actually.
I will go on a trip with my best friends soon to SG, and hence I must renew it as soon as possible.
Last week, I went to the Wangsa Maju (Sri Rampai) branch by myself. I did not know the exact location as last time was sent by my younger brother. Even though I tried to check google map before departed, since I was not familiar with that area, I used about 45 minutes to find out where is that Immigration office. I failed to renew on that day as the queue was super long while I was in rush to work also.
Then, I tried my luck today. I knew I should go there as early as possible (last time I reached there about 7am), but I was too tired to wake up that early.
Without well planning, I reached there around 9am as I kept on delaying the time to depart besides was stuck in the traffic jam around Batu Cave area.
Once reached, I was approached by an aunty offering her service to take passport size photo and to fill up the form too. Paid RM12.40 for this; and then quickly went to queue up. However, there was a security guard standing in the queue too, saying to the rest of the long queue behind him that the "nombor giliran" today already no more, and I was one of them in that queue.
At this moment, the aunty who provided the photo shooting service came to me and told me that she already communicated with a customer of her to pretend that I was his/her friend, so I could join the group of queue that was qualified to get a number. Without thinking long, I rejected her offer. I said it was okay if I could not get the number later. She was disappointed that I did not follow what she had prepared for me but wished me luck.
In fact, she was kind enough to offer this service, and in fighting against the quota set without proper information to the public at this 9.30am. This immigration office actually open until 5.30pm! However, I could not agree on jumping queue as it would be unfair to the people behind you who came earlier than you.
The queue behind me still grew longer and longer, although the guard shouted to announce about the information that we could not able to do it today for renewal or application. I think everyone thought the same with me that the guard might be just said it out to shoo people away.
He was doing his job by informing and advising the crowd to do it at Jalan Duta branch.
I was patient enough in trying luck but it was a bad news. The staffs were strict enough to stop distributing the number. Immediately, I got back to my car, checking information of the Duta's immigration office through the mobile phone online; roughly get the idea of location and checking availability by calling the branch, then rushed to that office.
Found the place easily. However, it was so hard to find parking. Finally, parked somewhere not too far, under the hot sun. Everything begun to be smooth started from this branch. The queue was not long, and just needed to use the kiosk machine.
Firstly, get a small envelope provided. Insert in One piece of passport sized photograph, a piece of photocopy IC and wrote name, IC number and mobile phone number in the detail column on the envelope. Queued until my turn to use the Kiosk. Followed all the steps appeared on the touch screen, including selecting the renewal period, detecting my old passport and IC, recognizing my thumbprint, paid the amount required like how we paid parking fees in the mall; obtained the receipt, and finished dealing with the Kiosk.
waiting... bored... online!
There was an allocated time stated in the receipt, One hour from the time of payment made, to get the waiting number for collection. Wandering around to wait for the one hour, then got the waiting number, and in around 5 minutes, I got my new passport!! hoohoo~~~
If there's something wrong of the documents submitted, then it might delay the time for the collection process; for example, using old photo. So, if you want to renew, please use the most recent photograph!
Have to praise myself for taking challenges by myself haha...
At first it was a bad day, but it turned out a good one later!
Traffic jam, failed to get waiting number after long wait, hot weather, rushed to another branch, difficulties in finding parking lot @@"
the building next to this KDN; it was a HOT day...
Today, I spent a lot for renewing this passport argh.... as I wanted to save the waiting time, I straight away renewed for 5 years! Paid RM300 for this oh.......
For your information, this Kementerian Dalam Negeri is still quite new, so maybe less people coming; while that Wangsa Maju branch is too well-known, but it did not have the Kiosk.
Also, Damansara branch had already moved to this Jalan Duta branch.
Departments available...
Other than using counter method or Kiosk, you may opt for renewing through internet, but it needs you to upload digital passport sized photograph and paid by credit card if not mistaken. It does reduce the waiting time too.
Good Luck to everyone who needs to deal with this kind of renewal process.
Monday, January 02, 2012
2012 年的第一天
1/1/12 - 很幸运的今天是我的休日。
睡到 2.30pm 才甘愿爬起身(请原谅我的堕落)。
逛家乐福,回家时有辆车double parking 气到我(怎么这么霸道连联络号码都没有),真想找东西摔那辆车!
回家后处理衣橱的霉菌。。。。 家里刚装修好,才搬回近来不久. 那些衣橱都经历了许多风霜,所以被霉菌侵蚀了! >.<
就这样开始了我的 2012 年。
*太久没有在这里更新我的近况了... 才发现,去年才写了9篇哦~!
*希望新的一年里会比较勤劳吧... 其实还没有去想今年要达到的目标...
Saturday, November 12, 2011
噓 ---- by 蛋堡 Softlipa feat.徐佳瑩
詞曲:杜振熙 徐佳瑩
但你 只能看著他的背影
隔著很遠半徑 圍繞像衛星
當他突然轉身 你卻沒法對應
總是又想起 在快要忘記之前
快要放棄之前 又碰上他失戀
但當他失戀 他又需要段時間
跟著他相簿 從'一月'到'十二'
胸口的糾結 還在繼續
說他不知道 那倒也不一定
說注定糾纏 那倒也太迷信
偶爾問後的短信 或許沒別的意思
心裡的止水 又被投了顆大石
[副歌 徐佳瑩]
這是秘密 我的心被困在你的身邊
像個間諜 暗中收集你的每個畫面
你的世界 留給我太多想像空間
多想對號入座 走進你的狀態裡面
時常在夜晚 你聽些歌
聽勵志的 想像已經切割
聽悲傷的 日記你邊寫著
有時無法負荷 哭完先歇了
follow他網誌 近況和往事
你總回想 那何時曾是交叉點?
也或者某個瞬間 你們擦肩如電影般
主角交錯時 一切速度會放慢
你的惋惜 只是幻想在煽動
這部電影 從來沒有人看懂
你的激動處 只有自己在顫抖
[副歌 徐佳瑩]
這是秘密 我的心被困在你的身邊
像個間諜 暗中收集你卻沒人發現
你的世界 留給我太多想像空間
多想對號入座 走進你的狀態裡面
有時候姑且 對愛情有時候將就
抽離後回神 又是個深秋
有時 這真的無關公不公平
有時 這一切不是忠不忠心
這就是個小祕密 藏在心裡的小祕密
進入你心裡 還要穿越一個迷宮
所以你沒提起 但也沒偽造
對你而言存在 對別人沒味道
有時身邊是誰 事實上也沒差
現在誰陪他 反而你掛心
有時因為害怕 又不多打聽
怕想到他在別人懷中 你沒得抱
或許執著只是因為 從沒得到
[副歌 徐佳瑩]
這是秘密 我的心被困在你的身邊
像個間諜 暗中收集你卻沒人發現
你的世界 留給我太多想像空間
多想對號入座 走進你的狀態裡面
你的文字 是描述近況 還是一瞬間
你的照片 在我眼裡都是延伸畫面
這就是現實 愛情從來沒有實現
但你 只能看著他的背影
隔著很遠半徑 圍繞像衛星
當他突然轉身 你卻沒法對應
總是又想起 在快要忘記之前
快要放棄之前 又碰上他失戀
但當他失戀 他又需要段時間
跟著他相簿 從'一月'到'十二'
胸口的糾結 還在繼續
說他不知道 那倒也不一定
說注定糾纏 那倒也太迷信
偶爾問後的短信 或許沒別的意思
心裡的止水 又被投了顆大石
[副歌 徐佳瑩]
這是秘密 我的心被困在你的身邊
像個間諜 暗中收集你的每個畫面
你的世界 留給我太多想像空間
多想對號入座 走進你的狀態裡面
時常在夜晚 你聽些歌
聽勵志的 想像已經切割
聽悲傷的 日記你邊寫著
有時無法負荷 哭完先歇了
follow他網誌 近況和往事
你總回想 那何時曾是交叉點?
也或者某個瞬間 你們擦肩如電影般
主角交錯時 一切速度會放慢
你的惋惜 只是幻想在煽動
這部電影 從來沒有人看懂
你的激動處 只有自己在顫抖
[副歌 徐佳瑩]
這是秘密 我的心被困在你的身邊
像個間諜 暗中收集你卻沒人發現
你的世界 留給我太多想像空間
多想對號入座 走進你的狀態裡面
有時候姑且 對愛情有時候將就
抽離後回神 又是個深秋
有時 這真的無關公不公平
有時 這一切不是忠不忠心
這就是個小祕密 藏在心裡的小祕密
進入你心裡 還要穿越一個迷宮
所以你沒提起 但也沒偽造
對你而言存在 對別人沒味道
有時身邊是誰 事實上也沒差
現在誰陪他 反而你掛心
有時因為害怕 又不多打聽
怕想到他在別人懷中 你沒得抱
或許執著只是因為 從沒得到
[副歌 徐佳瑩]
這是秘密 我的心被困在你的身邊
像個間諜 暗中收集你卻沒人發現
你的世界 留給我太多想像空間
多想對號入座 走進你的狀態裡面
你的文字 是描述近況 還是一瞬間
你的照片 在我眼裡都是延伸畫面
這就是現實 愛情從來沒有實現
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