Saturday, October 22, 2005

a book to read

recently, I am reading a book, titled: 跨一步, 就成功 [step forward, to meet success], by 刘墉 [liu yong]
I read many of his books before, like them very much... his books are interesting and meaningful enough!
this book stresses about 发现你的天才点 [discovering our own genius]
on its cover, written :
" 如果你很会背歌词, 却不会背书;
很会记电影情节, 却不会记历史情节;
你其实很聪明, 只是没有发现自己的天才点. "
(if you very good in memorizing lyrics of songs, but weak in memorizing contents of books;
very good in remembering plots of movies, but weak in remembering plots of history;
you are actually very clever, it's just that you haven't discover your own talent)

there are 4 main chapters, first is 谈处世 (more to about life manage...socials...), second is 谈写作 (about writing), third is 谈用时间 (about managing time), while fourth is 谈记忆 (about memory)

in the first chapter, there is a story about having pals, the title is '别逗臭男生' (don't flirt bad guys?)
the main part I want to quote is:

欣赏, 确实常常可能是爱慕, 爱慕的下一步, 又常常可能是爱恋. 所以, 美丽聪慧的女孩子(或男孩子), 一定要注意每个欣赏自己的异性, 除非真的对"他" 有意, 就该及时让他"停住脚步", 只站在欣赏的角度; 也使彼此的关系, 能维持在"一般友谊".

所以各位小女生, 小男生! 今後发现对你有意思, 你却一点都没有感觉的异性时, 别逗他, 别吊他胃口, 更不要存心看他的滑稽表演, 而主动把话题带开或巧妙地回避吧!

[admire, always it's most probably adore, and next, normally may become feeling deeply attached to. Therefore, those clever girls (or boys), must take notes of those admirers of opposite sexs, unless one really has feel on him/her, if not one should stop his/her steps, just to let he/she stands on the admiring stage; and also let the relationship being maintained at 'normal friendship'.]

[hence every little girl and little boy... from now on, if you found someone is liking you, but you have no feeling on him/her, don't flirt him/her, don't whet his/her appetite, further more, don't deliberately want to watch his/her funny actions; on the contrary, you should take the initiate to bring the topic away or avoid it with your smartness.]

to me, what it says .. is really correct....... we teenages (... I'm still a teenage ya) are always facing these kind of problems.., although not only we teenages but also adults, sigh...
actually, there are cases happen around us everyday, do you notice them?
around me, there are... many... haha.. including myself =p
*those are translated by me, so... maybe there are quite a number of grammar mistakes, and maybe they are translated incorrectly, sorry for the every mistake I have made*


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