Friday, October 07, 2005

school day with 6 students per class

yo... today there were only 6 of my class' attended (of course included me).
haha... 3 guys 3 girls --> Goh, Khoo, Fadzil, Hoon, Teng and me... that's all
system was in an equilibrium.. lolx
as today is a free day of exam, so.. most of them took this chance to 'ponteng' ~
so.. as title, the school routine today...

erm.. at first, we cleaned our classroom! There was a teacher sitting there.. she was doing her own thing while we were cleaning the classroom (gotong royong.. yoyoyo).
hehe.. we wanted to clean as.. the whole form 6 were just being scolded two days ago.. for many many things.. such as, the cleanliness of classes, our dressing code, our behaviour, our attitude for eating in class during recess... bla bla bla..
so we 6 persons... with the good cooperation.. done the chores.. till the classroom become very clean! haha
even the relift teacher praised us for being so hardworking =p
then, we were doing our own works.. and chatting...

During math periods... our teacher came in, and marked the papers for us......
finally... know that I really FAIL already ~
I only got 38 marks... and teacher said.. she would try to look for another two marks for me to pass.. lolx...
Either I will pass or fail, I am not really care about it already.. as the marks are still low..
however, actually I forgot to do a very easy question.. which was of 5 marks!.. so if I did it, I think I can pass..haha.. whatever... already been a past ~

From teacher, we got one news.. about few years ago's student... which counted as our senior, now only knew that he's of a very poor family.. and has a complicated family background.
Last time, he was even don't have enough money to pay for the STPM fees... but since he's a very polite student, all teachers knew about him and helped him for financial problem..
and the news I got today is that his sister had been commited suicide.. who was facing serious depression..
oh... depression is really a big problem.. the cases are increasing nowadays especially in our this hectic urban life..
haizz... just like, a mother of my friend also commited suicide just few days ago.. but luckily she is recovered now...

after Math, we went to Chemistry's lab. We 6 helped teacher to do some work... guys helped teacher to key in our marks into the laptop we three helped to mark form 4's chemistry's papers..
erm.. got to know my marks of chemistry, 84.
ya.. happy to get A... but still can't be too satisfied of it.. as actually there are still many things that actually I'm very blur about.. and.. this is only of physical chemistry which I think it's still not that difficult, maybe the organic chemistry will be the hardest to me =.="
and hoon got 93 lor.. haha.. she is really 'geng' *clap hands*
and.. forgot to say that she got 70 for her math too... ah.. congratz to her~
when we were marking the form 4 first class' paper... hahahah... burst into laughter!
you know.. we read about one guy's answer sheet... his answers are super super ... extraordinary! he's just like writing Malay stories using chemistry terms...
and for some questions such as 'ramalkan perubahan warna', he wrote, 'tidak dapat diramalkan'
this is not that funny... for shows that he's very good in writing I think.. but I've forgotten what he wrote..

the whole simple school day ~


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